Capital Lightning
Protection Ground
The Energy
Capital Lightning Protection specializes in residential and commercial lightning and grounding protection systems. With our in-house professionally trained team of technicians we manage all phases of each on site project from risk assessment, estimation, design and installation.
We are UL listed, LPI Master Installer/Designer Certified.
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Years of Expericence

Certifications &
Our company has been evaluated by UL and complies with the program requirements for UL’s lightning protection system installer program. As a UL Listed lightning protection system installer, we can deliver a UL Master Label® certificate or Letter of Finding.
- Build Lightning Standard
- Prodviding Quality
- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
- Lightning Services
- 35 + Successfull Projects done
- Damage Lightning Repair
Leading Way In Lightning &
Repair Construction!
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We Always Work With

We’r Prodviding Quality
Roofing Services

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Robert Adison

Sedut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natrrsit voluptatem dolorem audantiun totas periam eaque ipsa quae nde omnis iste natrrsit voluptatem
Robert Adison

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